- Cache Hill (580 Cruzin Rum) $228 (Points) 0 (Score) 77
- Eian Smith (80 Cassanova) $152 (Points) 9 (Score) 70
- 3/4 Dochi Alejos (4 Desert Fox) $0 (Points) 7.5 (Score) 66
- 3/4 West Schroeder (Rocket) $0 (Points) 0 (Score) 66
Saddle Bronc
- Caleb Brangham (213 Roderick) $255 (Points) 10 (Score) 82
- Blaine Mathews (Alfonso) $170 (Points) 9 (Score) 77
- Joe Priebe (Miss Conception) $0 (Point) 0 (Score) 70
- Jacob Bentlage (245 Carol Baskins) $0 (Points) 7 (Score) 69
- Charles Bisset (752 ScreamO) $0 (Points) 0 (Score) 63
Bull Riding
- Joe Alejos (526 Whiskey Moon) $425.25 (Points) 10 (Score) 88
- River Stephenson (B38 Flying Fortress) $255.15 (Points) 0 (Score) 86
- JorDee Nielsen (79E Mr.Roboto) $170.10 (Points) 8 (Score) 85
- Gavin Knuteson (66 Pay Window) $94.50 (Points)0 (Score) 82
- Tucker Wilson (?) $0 (Points) 6 (Score) 80
- Holden Garza (PRF) $0 (Points) 5 (Score) 71
- Tanner Miller (JD) $0 (Points) 0 (Score) 63
Mini Bulls
- Callaway Wilson (Brown Bomber) $75 (Points) 10 (Score) 83
Pee Wee Bulls
- Jude Johnson (132 Playboy) $60 (Points) 10 (Score) 72
- Layne Cummings (488 Road Warrior) $40 (Points) 9 (Score) 71
- Caysen Kuhns (25 Double Down) $0 (Points) 8 (Score) 70
- Shanna Perkins $160 (Points) 10 (Time) 4.27
- Katelyn Perkins $120 (Points) 9 (Time) 5.56
- Tanner Felix $80 (Points) 0 (Time) 7.48
- Hailey Hardeman $40 (Points) 7 (Time) 13.15
Open Roping
- Wes Pulham and Jaden Brunet $675 (Points) 10 (Time) 5.77
- Kalbe Miller and Will Trigger $405 (Points) 0 (Time) 7.23
- Joey Parker and Casey Perkins $270 (Points) 8 (Time) 7.71
- Wes Miller and Blu Miller $0 (Points) 7 (Time) 7.78
- Blaine Mathews and Jaden Burnet $0 (Points) 6 (Time) 15.15
- Katelyn Perkins and Shanna Perkins $0 (Points) 5 (Time) 17.01
- Matt Loose and Dustin McGhee $0 (Points) 4 (Time) 17.60
#10 Roping
- Jaden Edwards and Will Trigger $403.20 (Points) 10/0 (Time) 9.34
- Casey Perkins and Shanna Perkins $316.80 (Points) 9 (Time) 9.64
- Jeron Hobson and Dustin McGhee $259.20 (Points) 8 (Time) 10.41
- Kaleb Miller and Will Trigger $201.60 (Points) 0 (Time) 13.68
- Wes Miller and Blu Miller $144 (Points) 5 (Time) 15.26
- Adan Flores and Alex Reonva $115.20 (Points) 4 (Time) 16.19
- Jaden Edwards and Kyle Chrisman $0 (Points) 3 (Time) 16.41
- Bo Felix and Tanner Felix $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 16.75
- Gracie Hardeman and Jordan Cook $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 23.82
- Jim Rose and Shawn Wheeldon $0 (Points) 1 (Time) 25.63
#8 Roping
- Seth Wilson and JorDee Nielsen $124 (Points) 10 (Time) 8.3
- Trina Wheeldon and Chris McGhee $270 (Points) 9 (Time) 10.00
- Gibby Roberts and Chris McGhee $216 (Points) 8 (Time) 10.20
- Jeron Hobson and Peyton Moore $162 (Points) 7 (Time) 11.03
- Kaleb Miller and Blu Miller $108 (Points) 0/6 (Time) 11.04
- Hailey Hardeman and Shanna Perkins $0 (Points) 5 (Time) 15.42
- Dally Wilson and Callaway Wilson $0 (Points) 4 (Time) 15.56
4D Barrels
- Gracie Perry (Casita) $154.70 (Points) 10 (Time) 17.232
- Jessie Chrisman (Golden hippo) $79.56 (Points) 10 (Time) 18.161
- Bailey Chamberland (Tinman) $53.04 (Points) 9 (Time) 18.176
- Jessie Chrisman (Kiss) $53.04 (Points) 10 (Time) 18.334
- Sara Little (Gunner) $35.36 (Points)9 (Time) 18.562
- Carson Chrisman (Stoner) $0 (Points) 8 (Time) 18.650
- Ashlyn Chamberland (Cinder) $0 (Point) 7 (Time) 18.765
- Gracie Perry (Boo) $39.78 (Points) 0 (Time) 19.371
- Macy Parker (Bay) $26.52 (Points) 9 (Time) 19.987
- Allie Wackerman (Sunny) $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 20.519
- Emilia Alejos (Outlaw) $0. (Points) 0 (Time) 21.126
- Lu Scharp (E-z) $0 (Points) 6 (Time) 21.538
- Sonya Francoise (Argento) $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 22.232