Bull Riding
- River Stephenson (108 Rivera) $396 (Points) 10 (Score) 85
- Marty Custer (317 Hair Trigger) $237 (Points) 9 (Score) 80
- Sammuel Kinzer (S1 Moe Bandy) $158.40 (Points) 8 (Score) 71
- Isaiah Kinzer (X90 Marty) $88 (Points) 7 (Score) 70.50
- Callaway Wilson (221 Ugly Kid Joe) $0 (points) 6 (Score) 66.50
- Dillon Bazzle (2102 Sticky) $0 (Points) 5 (Score) 66
- Edwin Vega (23 Psychotic Jacket) $0 (Points) 4 (Score) 65
Saddle Bronc
- Caleb Brangham (t25 Sorry Charlie) $285 (Points) 10 (Score) 76
- Jacob Phillips (643 Black Betty) $190 (Points) 9 (Score) 74
- Charles Bisset (75 Cracker Jack) $0 (Points) 8 (Score) 69
- Jacob Bentlage (000 Triple Aught) $0 (Points) 7 (Score)66
- Shanna Perkins $179.20 (Points) 10 (Time) 2.95
- Harley Beasley $134.40 (Points) 9 (Time) 3.00
- Mylee Mickelson $89.60 (Points) 8 (Time) 3.32
- Kloe Nichols $44.80 (Points) 0 (Time) 4.26
- Cassidy Espenschied $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 4.67
- Callaway Wilson $0 (Points) 5 (Time) 13.77
Pee Wee Bulls
- Jeremiah Johnson $0 (Points) 10 (Score) 71
- Jude Johnson $0 (Points) 9 (Score) 69
Mini Bulls
- Stetson Hoffman $0 (Points) 10 (Score) 77
Open Roping
- Katelyn Perkins and Casey Perkins $792 (Points) 10 (Time) 6.85
- Arye Espenschied and Jade Espenschied $528 (Points) 9/0 (Time) 7.15
- Will Trigger and Nick Nichols $0 (Points) 8 (Time) 9.66
- Jade Espenchied and Arye Espenschied $0 (Points) 0/7 (Time) 12.23
- John Jensen and Wes Miller $0 (Points) 6 (Time) 13.61
- Shanna Perkins and Casey Perkins $0 (Points) 5 (Time) 15.72
#10 Roping
- Jordan Cook and Alex Renova $432 (Points) 10 (Time) 7.76
- Katelyn Perkins and Kayla Perkins $360 (Points) 9 (Time) 7.83
- Kaleb Miller and Will Trigger $288 (Points) 8 (Time) 8.71
- Buskin Wilson and Callaway Wilson $216 (Points) 7 (Time) 8.74
- Katelyn Perkins and Shanna Perkins $144 (Points) 6 (Time) 8.8
- Gibby Roberts and Earl Higgins $0 (Points) 5/0 (Time) 9.18
- Jon Child and Shanna Perkins $0 (Points) 4 (Time) 10.42
- Bodee Wilson and Seth Wilson $0 (Points) 3 (Time) 11.09
- Cody Chrisman and Kyle Chrisman $0 (Points) 2 (Time) 14.59
#8 Roping
- Mylie Edwards and Jaden Edwards $320 (Points) 0/10 (Time) 7.75
- Chloe Edwards and Jaden Edwards $240 (Points) 0/9 (Time) 10.35
- Bud Beasley and Harley Beasley $160 (Points) 8 (Time) 10.40
- Gibby Roberts and Jordan Cook $80 (Points) 7 (Time) 11.25
- Jon Child and Kayla Perkins $0 (Points) 6 (Time) 11.58
- Dally Wilson and Callaway Wilson $0 (Points) 5 (Time) 28.59
- Keely Orr (Hotty) $82.32 (Points) 10 (Time) 17.710
- Myles Mickleson (Bling) $54.8 (Points) 9 (Time) 17.894
- Dally Wilson (Chic) $0 (Points) 8 (Time) 18.018
- Harley Beasley (Alice) $0 (Points) 7 (Time) 18.059
- Andrea Beasley (Buck) $0 (Points) 6 (Time) 18.080
- Stevie Taylor (Shady) $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 18.152
- Bailey Cook (Bucky) $70.56 (Points) 10 (Time) 18.321
- Ella Hatch (Weldun) $47.04 (Points) 9 (Time) 18.665
- Margaret Dornan (Ozzi) $78.40 (Points) 10 (Time) 20.027
- Keely Orr (Romeo) $35.28 (Points) 10 (Time) 20.027
- Lu Scharp (E-Z) $23.52 (Points) 9 (Time) 21.827