Bull Riding
- Raile Jones (91 Lazer Cut) $519.75 (Points) 0 (Score) 86.5
- Wyatt Phelps (514 Voltron) $311.85 (Points) 0 (Score) 82
- Brody Hasenack (9001 Mr Money) $207.90 (Points) 0 (Score) 79
- Callaway Wilson (221 Thunderstruck) $115.50 (Points) 7 (Score) 71
- Colter Hanneman (824 Spit Fire) $0 (Points) 6 (Score) 68
- Isaiah Kinzer (H7 Wasabi) $0 (Points) 5 (Score) 64
- Isaiah Owens (9 Bad to the Bone) $0 (Points) 0 (score) 61.5
- Kaston Ford (407 Fringe) $265 (Points) 0 (Score) 77
- Eian Smith (Z24 Kalifornia Killa) $159 (Points) 9 (Score) 71
- Kyler Collings (Cushman) $106 (Point) 0 (Score) 64
Saddle Bronc
- Caleb Brangham (499 Chief) $285 (Points) 10 (Score) 79
- Jacob Phillips (522 Looks Like Hell) $190 (Points) 9 (Score) 71
- Dochi Alejos (T25 Sorry Charlie) $0 (Points) 8 (Score) 68
- Jaden White (643 Black Betty) $0 (Points) 7 (Score) 65
Mini Bulls
- Levi England $60 (Points) 10 (Score) 74
- Bodi Young $40 (Points) 9 (Score) 73
- Clay Kuhns $0 (Points) 0 (Score) 71
Pee Wee Bulls
- Jude Johnson (50) $100 (Points) 10 (Score) 74
- Katelyn Perkins $117.60 (Points) 10 (Time) 12.88
- Dally Wilson $39.20 (Points) 8.5 (Time) 13.64
- Shanna Perkins $39.20 (Points) 8.5 (Time) 13.640
- Bridget Scaffide $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 14.35
Open Roping
- David Motts and Wes Miller $880 (Points) 0/10 (Time) 7.44
- Katelyn Perkins and Shanna Perkins $528 (Points) 9 (Time) 10.17
- Wes Pulham and Kyle Chrisman $352 (Points) 8 (Time) 12.04
- Katelyn Perkins and Casey Perkins $0 (Points) 7 (Time) 12.04
- Dale Whitlow and David Motts $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 13.31
- Joey Parker and Andrew Wright $0 (Points) 5/0 (Time) 16.70
- Joey Parker and Casey Perkins $0 (Points) 4 (Time) 21.03
#10 Roping
- Garrett Saunders and Cory Ainslie $417.60 (Points) 10/0 (Time) 7.59
- Gavin Winn and Kristy Jones $348 (Points) 9 (Time) 8.92
- Adan Flores and Seth Stidham $278.40 (Points) 8 (Time) 9.04
- Dale Whitlow and Jerry Stutz $208.80 (Points) 0 (Time) 12.90
- Wes Pulham and Preston Saunders $139.20 (Points) 6 (Time) 13.02
- Shawn Wheeldon and Barry Kreikemeier $0 (Points) 5 (Time) 13.88
- Alli McKibbin and Dustin McGhee $0 (Points) 4 (Time) 13.89
- Bud Beasley and Preston Saunders $0 (Points) 3 (Time) 14.44
- Kevin Wiliams and Kade Williams $0 (Points) 2 (Time) 16.19
- Neale Jones and Shane Lucas $0 (Points) 1 (Time) 20.84
#8 Roping
- Hayden Ledger and Luis Martinez $348 (Points) 10 (Time) 7.76
- Mylie Edwards and Brian Edwards $290 (Points) 9/0 (Time) 8.28
- Mickey Young and Shanna Perkins $232 (Points) 8 (Time) 9.39
- Mylie Edwards and Jaden Edwards $174 (Points) 7 (Time) 11.42
- Luis Martinez and Hayden Ledger $116 (Points) 6 (Time) 14.86
- Alex Renova and Adan Flores $0 (Points) 5 (Time) 15.040
- Hunter Caler and Mitch Rowe $0 (Ponts) 4 (Time) 15.58
- Shanna Perkins and Kayla Perkins $0 (Points) 3 (Time) 18.42
- Bob Bing and Jahrod Little $0 (Points) 2 (Time) 18.51
- Kenny Chambers and Jerry Stutz $0 (Points) 1 (Time) 20.10
- Chloe Edwards and Brian Edwards $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 27.80
4D Barrels
- Charli Young (GB) $99.96 (Points) 10 (Time) 17.511
- Hailee Fromm (Kick) $66.64 (Points) 0 (Time) 17.7728
- Lexi Carr (Moe) $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 17.781
- Katelyn Perkins $0 (Points) 7 (time) 17.7855
- Andrea Beasley (Buck) $85.68 (Points) 10 (Time) 18.075
- Dally Wilson (Chic) $57.12 (Points) 9 (Time) 18.333
- Bridget Scaffide (Vegas) $0 (Point) 0 (Time)_18.466
- Camille Thomas (Beam) $0 (Points) 7 (Time) 18.483
- Macy Parker (Bay) $57.12 (Points) 10 (Time) 18.803
- Emma Groth (Bacardi) $38.08 (Points) 0 (Time) 18.92
- Jayne Chambers (Prissy) $0 (Points) 0 (Time) 19.132
- Lu Scharp (E-Z) $0 (Point) 7 (Time) 19.363
- Ella Parker (Johnny) $42.84 (Points) 10 (Time) 19.811
- Sara Little (Doc) $28.56 (Points) 9 (Time) 21.058
- Leah Carr (Oakie) $0 (Points) 8 (Time) 21.258